About Iyengar Yoga
B.K.S. Iyengar (1918–2014)
Iyengar Yoga is a system of hatha yoga developed by B.K.S. Iyengar; it is firmly rooted in the traditional eight limbs of yoga as expounded by Patañjali in his classic treatise, The Yoga Sutras.
The essence of a good Iyengar Yoga class is that the instruction is precise, well-sequenced, creative, and varied. Iyengar yoga classes have “levels”, which ensures that the student learns the fundamentals before building up to more complex poses. Inversions become a regular part of the practice as one gains more experience. Finally, the teacher is “responsive” to the students in the room, and the creative use of props can enhance awareness, learning, accessibility, and variation in the human form.
How to place the feet in Tadasana – Mountain pose, how to adjust the legs in Trikonasana – Triangle pose, how to align the shoulder blades in Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Pose… the deliberate and systematic teaching not only helps the student find greater awareness in the pose but also a point of mental focus. BKS Iyengar referred to the asana practice as "meditation in action”. Detailed instruction is a tool to draw one inward, to align the mind and body in the present moment.
Sequencing in an Iyengar class has an intentional arc based on principles created by BKS Iyengar. In addition, by practicing different families of poses each week, one can experience a wider range of poses and their effects on the mind and body. Forward “bends” and inversions, for example, can be quieting for the mind, while backbends can be energizing for the mind. Pranayama and supported supine poses can lower stress and bring needed rest into the body and mind while Standing poses and inversions create strength, stamina, and courage.
In practice, I might notice how my shoulders are feeling, and then an attention to the shoulder blades. I might draw students’ attention to this in my sequencing. BKS Iyengar encouraged us to have a “curious mind”, not to do “yesterday’s pose” but to use the memory of past practice as a launch pad for today’s exploration.
There isn’t just one way to practice Iyengar Yoga. Some practices are fast-paced, others slower with longer holds. A fast-paced class can be uplifting and energizing, while a slower practice more meditative and quieting. As one becomes more attuned to the effect of the practice, one can explore and call upon different types of sequences to transform the mind.
Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNaUS)
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